Avi Das

Home for my work, ideas and else.

First Post!

There comes a point in everyone’s life when one thinks, I should have a blog. I had that thought in my head a couple times, a couple years apart. First time, it was the summer of 2008 and I was ready for a huge direction change in my life, going to college in the United States. And it was supposed to be about the experiences. Well lets just say college handed me enough on my plate to forget that idea soon. Second time, I was a sophomore at college when I wanted to make a tech-news-opinion blog. Few posts after, I realized it was quite unappealing to me. I did enjoy writing, but it was just not my thing to write a blog solely about outside events. Specially since Facebook made expressing your opinions so to all your friends as easy as typing a status message.

I cannot see into the future, so I cannot predict the longevity of my blog. I graduated college in May 2012, and have been working as a software engineer ever since. My hope is that my status as a grownup would discount an early demise for my blog. Kidding aside, there are real reasons why I feel more than at any point, I really do need a blog.

  1. Express self-learnings Post college, I am getting the opportunity to learn a lot more on my own. I needed a place to share what I am learning.